Saturday, January 1, 2011

Goodbye 2010!

Thank God 2010 is over! For a while, I thought it would never end! All in all, it's been a pretty great year for me. Sure, it was sprinkled with challenges and some heart-wrenching disappointments as any year. But I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that God has blessed me abundantly in these 12 months. It's been so awesome that I simply couldn't move on to another goofy post before stopping to acknowledge some of the things He's done for me. Here's three of the main things that stick out to me this year...

1. Purchasing my new car! As my '95 Nissan Sentra was parked on its death bed, I had to car hunt in three of the hottest weeks of summer. After my first test drive, I was in love with a 2008 Toyota Corolla and God orchestrated the entire purchasing experience perfectly. I knew and trusted the only previous owner and got an excellent deal when I paid nearly half of the cost up front. I'm still in awe of how greatly it worked out!

2. Graduating with my Associates in Applied Science, Computer Information Technology! It took my nearly three years of schooling at Carteret Community College, but I finally left the place with a degree! I haven't done a single thing with it yet, but it's still a great accomplishment and the diploma looks awesome hanging on my wall. And because of the last two years there, I developed a good friendship with Katrina Barber.

3. Completing Beth Moore's Believing God study! It took me nearly twice as long as it should have to finally finish the study, but that's my own fault for being slow on it. The entire study seriously changed my life. My growth closer to God this year has been mostly due to Beth. It was so eye-opening and I can't thank God enough for bringing it to me. If you ever have the opportunity to do this study, please do not pass it up. You won't regret it.

Last year was good because of these three things and countless others and I am giddily looking forward to what God has in store for me this year. Jeremiah 29:11 says "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.'" I've absolutely no idea what my future looks like in 2011 - where I'm going or what I'll to be doing - but I know it's going to be great and completely perfect for me. Because of Him, I can have hope. And I'm about to explode of it!


  1. Congratulations on completing your degree! That has to be an awesome feeling. Hey... you should visit Chicago sometime! It's been so long since we've hung out, and you'd have a free place to stay! :)

  2. Wow! Thank you for the offer! While I would love to take a vacay like that, it's currently not in my minimum wage, part time job with a car payment budget, haha! Maybe we can do another 4 hour lunch next time you are here for a visit?
