Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Found It!

While I was preparing for bed on Saturday night after a long day at the theater in Jacksonville, I looked in the mirror and realized I was missing an earring. And this was not just any earring. My family got me a pair of beautiful sparkly diamond earrings for my 21st birthday last year and I've worn them nearly everyday since. Sure, it's an inanimate object, but it holds so much sentimental value for me. I seriously love those earrings. Here's a much better picture of them than I was able to take...

So you could imagine my unhappiness when I discovered one was missing. On the verge of tears, I prayed for help to find it and then combed the floor of my room and the bathroom. I feared that it had gone down the shower drain, or worse, been lost somewhere in the Jacksonville mall or movie theater, never to be found again.

After more than 30 minutes of crawling on the floor and realizing that I need to vacuum more often, I had to submit to my body's exhaustion. Snuggled up under my blankets with my mind still wondering where it could be, I tried my best to get comfortable. But there was something poking my leg that made comfort impossible. I grabbed the tiny object and turned on my bed-side lamp to see that it was the back to the earring.

This shiny little ray of hope told me that I did not lose it down the drain or in town, but it had to be in the house somewhere. I ripped my blankets apart in search for piece with the diamond, but it was nowhere to be found. Once again, I was too tired to search anywhere else, but I went back to bed knowing that I would probably find it the next day.

Sometime in the night, I vividly dreamed about the earring. First I dreamed that I found it in the middle of my floor. Somehow I knew that wasn't where it was, but I was very close. Then I dreamed that it was in the play pen. (currently in my room for the purpose of hanging up wet clothes) While still deep in sleep, I remembered hearing something fall when I was hanging up a sweater there that evening. At the time I thought nothing of it.

At 4 am, I woke up and immediately threw off the covers and jumped over to the play pen. I carefully ran my hands along the mat but eventually got impatient and lifted it out. Then I saw it. Right next to the edge of the pen was my pretty little diamond earring. I giddily picked it up and immediately thanked God for answering my prayer and showing me where it was. And believe me, a morning hater being giddy at 4 am is a huge deal. Filled with gratitude, I placed my earring in a safe place and went back to bed with a smile.

In Luke 12:6-7 Jesus says, "Are not five sparrows sold for two pence? and not one of them is forgotten in the sight of God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not: you are of more value than many sparrows." God cares for every little bird and He cares so much more for me. And not just about my major needs or requests, but also about the little tiny details like the number of hairs on my head and missing earrings.

It is such a great thing to know that I can ask God about anything. And it's even better to know that He hears me and answers me. I am so thankful not only for Him showing me where the earring was but also for loving me enough to even bother with something that's really very insignificant. It isn't like I absolutely had to have the earring. It's just a piece of jewelry and I would have soon been fine without it. But God turned this missing sparkly into a chance to prove just how crazy He is about me. And it makes me kinda crazy about Him.

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