Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ask Mandy

I was talking to my friend Katrina today and she gave me a fun idea. She suggested making an advice blog where I answer reader's questions. I can't make a brand new blog right now (because it takes me an eternity to design one that looks decent to me... darn my pickyness), but if you leave me a comment on this post, I'll make up a response in an entry to be posted later.

This is a great chance for you to ask me whatever you want, silly or serious, and I'll answer it to the best of my ability.

But I do have some restrictions:

  • No politics. I want to keep it at least somewhat light-hearted, and I tend to get slightly angry and a leetle rabid when I talk politics.
  • Keep it interesting. Ask me something that requires more than a simple Yes or No answer. Because one word posts would annoy the heckins outta me.
  • Don't ask for my Social Security Number or my mommy's maiden name. I'm lots smarter than I look, thank you very much.
  • And keep it clean. I don't want to have to delete your comment/question. And then send my mommy to your house to wash your mouth out with soap. Although that may be fun...

Now ask away!


  1. Love your post and the design of it! Glad I still have a few good idea's floating around in my head! lol

  2. In the event of the zombie apocalypse, what would be your battle plan? Who would you bring? What would you use as a weapon? Would you last past the first few hours?

    Important questions!

  3. This is a cute idea! I have a question, what are you and the family doing for Easter?

  4. Fair Maiden, Why art thou so cute?

  5. What do you think makes Chuck such a wonderful spy, however awkward and initially ill-equipped he was?

  6. Do you still have a webbed toe?
