Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mandy's Choice Awards 2011

So the People's Choice Awards winners were announced this week. I didn't watch the ceremony on tv, but I did check out the list of nominees and the winners this afternoon. And I couldn't help but lol. In nearly every category available, the latest Twilight movie and the actors involved won in their respective categories. Is there really any need to guess the approximate age and IQ range of most of the voters? I think not.

I find that my taste in music, movies, and tv shows differs greatly from the majority of America. So here are the winners of the prestigious 2011 Mandy's Choice Awards. Instead of a trophy, the winners will receive my undying adoration. Much more valuable then a plastic trophy, right?

Favorite Family Movie - Tangled
Yeah Toy Story 3 was great, but I was allergic to the ending. It made my eyes water. And Tangled's main character was played by my beloved Zachary Levi (Chuck). I've already raved about this movie's adorableness, so go refresh your memory here.

Favorite Action Movie - Iron Man 2
Normally, I don't care for sequels. (examples of sequel suckage: Spiderman 2 and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest) But because I loved the first flick so much, I was willing to pay the ridiculous fee to see it in theater. And I was surprised with it's complete awesomeness. Explosions everywhere. Very satisfying sequel. You must see it.

Favorite Actor - Zachary Levi
Chuck Bartowski and Flynn Ryder (Tangled). Need I say more?

Favorite Actress - Gabrielle Anwar
As Fiona Glenanne in Burn Notice, Gabrielle gave me one of my favoritest quotes ever. "If it sounds too good to be true, best to shoot it just in case." While I think she was prettier with a little more meat on her bones in the 1992 film "The Three Musketeers", I love seeing the tiny woman holding a gun that's just as big as she is.

Favorite Guilty Pleasure - Phineas and Ferb
Anyone who knows me well knows that I love this Disney Channel show. I know countless tunes from the show by heart and have a tendency to burst out in song at any random moment. And then people have a tendency to look at me funny.

Favorite TV Show - Chuck
Seeing a trend too, huh? I watched a majority of seasons 1-3 on dvd recently, so my opinions may be a little skewed at the moment. Well seeing that I'm currently deeply in love with the character of Chuck, I would probably be more accurate in saying that my opinion is undoubtedly biased. *sigh*

Favorite TV Duo - Shawn Spencer and Gus Burton
The fake-psychic pair of Shawn and "Magic Head" Gus makes me lol every episode. Shawn's childlike impulses contrast perfectly with Gus' practical personality. The only thing I don't like is that I miss half of the puns related with 80's movies references.

Favorite Album - "Stories" by Addison Road
I've been a fan of Addison Road since their first album. Within a week of first having "Stories", I was already singing every word to every song in my car on the way to work. And I might or might not have been dancing and scaring the people in the cars around me.

That's all, folks! Tune in next January for the 2012 Mandy's Choice Awards! You can purchase t-shirts in the lobby for $15.99. Make checks payable to the "Support Mandy's Movie Addiction Fund."


  1. I'll play with your categories :D But my answers will be shorter because I don't feel like typing.

    Favorite Family Movie - Toy Story 3
    I have to say that one, because it's the only one I actually saw this year XD It would probably win anyway, though. I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe.

    Favorite Action Movie - Inception
    Words can't describe how much I love that movie.

    Favorite Actor - Johnny Depp
    He has attained a level of awesomeness that mortal people can only dream of.

    Favorite Actress - Helena Bonham Carter
    Just for having epic hair.

    Favorite Guilty Pleasure - Bleach :D
    Most TV series don't go on as long as these books. In a fire, I would definitely save them first.

    Favorite TV Show - Burn Notice
    Granted, I watch exactly five shows, so I don't have a lot to pick from...

    Favorite TV Duo - Shawn and Gus
    Because I think they're the only duo I really know. They'd probably win anyways.

    Favorite Album - "What Lies Beneath" by Tarja
    TARJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! \(*o*)/

  2. I have yet to see Inception. But since I'm not a DiCaprio fan, I probably won't, haha! And I don't care for Johnny Depp. He was cool as Jack Sparrow, but I don't like the rest of his roles. Sorry, Steph. :P
