Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Dear Mountain Dew

My Dear Mountain Dew,

Back in 2009, we had the closest of friendships. You were my constant companion during both the challenges of late night school assignments and the relaxation of my favorite television shows. Your energy revitalized me and your sweetness sustained me. Just my longing thoughts of you helped me make it through the day.

But what began as a loving friendship eventually transformed into my enslavement. The headaches that occurred when I was without you made you controlling and abusive. You managed to leech every spare dime from my white-knuckled grasp. My addiction to you was dangerous. I couldn't take it anymore.

So we broke up on New Years day of 2010 and never so much as spoke to each other for an entire year. At first your gaze was difficult to ignore as I passed you in the school hallways and the grocery store. You taunted me even more as I saw my friends enjoying your company. But I soon realized that I didn't need you and I had a great life in your absence. I forged strong friendships with Water and Sweet Tea and we got along well with no ill effects. While I would sometimes have nightmarish dreams about you, I was happy to be spending time with those who highly valued my health and well being.

After a year-long separation, you and I reunited on New Years day of 2011. No matter your previous treatment of me, I had forgiven and missed you and it was refreshing to become reacquainted. While I don't think we could have as close a relationship as before, I would still like to say that you're my friend. Maybe we could hang out some on the weekends like we did in the good old days. I'll be awaiting your reply.


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! You're inspiring. Giving up coffee for a week, let alone a year, would be traumatic for me!
