Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Blizzard of 2011

On this unprecedented third snow day of the winter, we were expected to get just a dusting of snow. It was guaranteed that none of it would stick. Someone should sue our weathermen for lying to the public. Mom woke me up at ten this morning and squealed that it was snowing and it continued to do so until almost six this evening. And I spent my entire day watching it!

I want to show you a bunch of pics that I took without falling on my butt this time. If you click on them, you can see a much bigger picture.

Down the road before my house. Notice you can barely see the road.

Looking down the road running beside my house. I love how the snow is blowing sideways!

Still looking down that same side road, but closer to the end. Lookit all the snow falling!!

I love this picture looking from the intersection shown in the last shot because you can see just how big most of the flakes were.

Looking back down the side road. See my footprints in the tire tracks? Halfway down the street I realized it would be easier if I walked in snow-packed tracks instead of trudging through the 4-inch layer of snow.

On the back porch, you can see how much snow was built up on the table by mid-afternoon. Plus a pretty little Cardinal. They were all over the place!

Our little bird feeder next to the back windows was apparently the hangout of the yard...

Our cats quickly noticed that too. Zaboo and Patches rarely ever get as close to each other as they were here. There's nothing like a flock of birdies in the snow to bring kitty sisters together.

I am so loving all this snow!!! This needs to happen every winter. And our weathermen should be wrong more often.