Sunday, May 9, 2010


Yesterday, I officially graduated from Carteret Community College with my Associates in Applied Science specializing in Computer Information Technology. Wow, that's a long degree title to even type. After three years of work, I finally had the chance to participate in my own graduation celebration. I had considered not attending the ceremony thinking it would be a waste of time, but I figured that since I had worked so hard I totally deserve to have a room full of people I don't know applauding me.

To be honest, I zoned out for much of the ceremony. A few people spoke for a little while and got my attention only when they brought out a Dr. Seuss book and quoted a few lines from it. Best idea ever. Finally after lining up to the stage, it was my turn to walk across. While many were too proud to allow the man at the side of the stage help them up the steps, I thought "Hey, he's cute, sure I'll let him hold my hand!" Then I gave the card with my name to the announcer but didn't really listen as she said my name and I proceeded to get my paper and shake the hands of people I don't know. I might've known who these supposedly important people were if I had paid attention during the rest of the ceremony, but too late. Not that I really cared, because I was too preoccupied thinking "left foot, right foot, grab paper, shake hand, left foot, right foot, shake hand, BREATHE!!, left foot, right foot, shake hand, left foot, right foot, off the stage." I had every movement planned out because I did not want to be the one to trip on stage. Fortunately I made it across quite gracefully even if I do say so myself.

After returning to my seat, I entertained myself while talking with my friend about the cuteness of the shoes of those who were walking across the stage. When I wasn't admiring footwear or clapping for people I knew, I was getting poked in the eye by the tassels of another friend. In reality, I don't get the point of the silly hat and tassels. But I did think it was pretty cool that I was awesome enough to get two tassels. Graduating with honors can have its perks. It was weird when we moved our tassels to the other side because I suddenly felt off balance. I got so used to it being on that side, ya know?

Only after the event did my giddiness and exhaustion take over. After picking up my purse, I met my family at the nearby steakhouse where they told me how awesome I was, and all that other mushy stuff. My mind totally left me as I ordered my meal but forgot where I was as I suddenly slipped into my traditional taco bell order. Requesting my baked potato be delivered without onions completely confused my poor waitress and sent my family into a laughing fit. It was even worse when I was complaining about the blisters brought about by the new shoes and said something like "I'm wearing new feet." Apparently when you graduate from college you somehow leave your brain in the auditorium, making you useful only for causing someone else's laughter.

All in all, the event was a great time with my friends during the ceremony and then my family afterwards. I didn't think I would be so happy to get my associates, but I really am quite proud of myself. The only problem is, I have no idea what to do now. But I should probably go back to the auditorium and find my brain so I can figure it out.

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