Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Wonderfulness of Chick-Fil-A

My sister said the other day, "Chick-fil-a is magic. I swear, they put like fairy dust in their chicken or something." And I think she may be right. But not only is the food delicious, the environment is wonderful too. No matter how I feel as I'm driving up to the building, I always become super happy when I enter through the double glass doors. Chick-fil-a probably has way too much power over me.

At least at our Morehead City branch, the employees are so nice. They smile sweetly and always say "my pleasure" after I thank them. In so many other places, the employees are pretty sad looking, but these people seem so happy to be working there that they are practically skipping around behind the counter.

Also, they use REAL flowers in cute little vases on the table! It's like they're saying "Not only will we provide you with delicious food for a relatively cheap price, but we think you're special enough to put actual carnations out for you!" While the men may not care, we ladies greatly enjoy being given flowers, even if it's only for the duration of our meal.

And then there's the cow decorations. The cardboard stands depicting a cow wearing a sign with hilarious misspellings is the original LOLcat. Think about it!! Chick-fil-a has been putting funny captions on animals long before has!

I find it funny that the Arbys next door is so empty while the drive thru line for Chick-fil-a is wrapped around the building. When Arbys first opened, they were really busy. But why eat there when awesomeness is just a few yards away?!?!

I'm sorry I've flung a craving on you. I would suggest you go there tomorrow to get some food, but they're closed on Sundays. Now you'll be thinking about their mouthwatering food all day long tomorrow with no way to satisfy that hunger. I'm sorry. :)


  1. DX

    You are killing me. I went to get Chick-Fil-A today at 2:00 and the line was STILL wrapped around the building and into the parking lot next door. Once again, I had to eat Taco Bell.

    I finally found out why it's always so busy, though. Our Chick-fil-a is either the most successful one in Texas or the most successful one in the whole nation.

    Great for them. Sucks for me.

  2. I'm feeling kinda of sad now that I've never heard of this it possible to post something to me?
