Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Soda-Free Me

As of today, I have gone 150 days without having a soda. Those of you who know me well understand just how big a deal this is. Last year, I was addicted to Mountain Dew, but no more, my friend! No more!

For my New Year's Resolution, after drinking probably about two liters of Pepsi, I decided to give up soda. Not just my beloved Mountain Dew, but all soda. Normally, my New Year's Resolutions last until maaaaaybe February, so I wasn't expecting to be too successful with this decision. But it's now the end of May, so I think it's safe to say that I'm doing well.

It was super difficult at first. Like I said, I was addicted to Mountain Dew (or more likely all the caffeine inside of it) so I experienced some serious headaches within the first few weeks. Substance withdrawal is no fun. At all. But Tylenol then became my best friend as it took the edge off the headaches.

The constant cravings also made the change a challenge. So many times I had to fight the urge to go to the vending machine at my office. And some of my coworkers kept taunting me with their cans of deliciousness. But I stopped trying to make up legitimate excuses and remained strong. And I didn't want to suffer the wrath of my older sister who also gave up soda and would kill me had she discovered I had some.

Now that I've been soda free for nearly half a year, I can honestly say that I do feel healthier. I'm drinking much more water and find that I actually crave it now. I still get caffeine occasionally from sweet tea and coffee, I don't have to worry about headaches and crashes after I have it.

What about my soda free plans for the future? Glad you asked. I just purchased a case of Mountain Dew Throwback with reeeeeaaaaal sugar and will hold onto it until New Year's Eve of this year. That day, I will down a can or two of that and whatever else I miss drinking. And then I'll feel so sick that I'll be more than happy to do my soda free year all over again.

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