Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My Last Assignment

After three years of college and what had seemed like endless homework, my Associates degree was only one presentation away. This was for my Systems Support Project course in which I had to go out on my own and perform one huge project using several of the skills I had gained in my studies. So this presentation summarizing my entire project needed to be something that really impressed my instructors.

I built a powerpoint presentation and wrote up some handouts going over the basics of my project and prepared to have the details described verbally. As I wrote all of this up, I realized just how complicated this project was and therefore just how awesome I was! I did so many things over the semester including taking computers apart, installing operating systems, setting up a network, creating a website, and building a complex database. Although I knew just how amazing I was, I now had to convince my instructors.

So I practiced my presentation several times during the weekend prior to the big day, both before my family and by myself. My family really wasn't that helpful because after being completely lost in my explanations, they began making faces just to annoy me. And it was weird doing the presentation to myself. You see, I talk to myself regularly, so it's nothing new. But I don't normally speak to myself with so much thought and purpose!

I was completely calm and collected as I drove up to the school and entered the building. But as I came into the classroom and prepared for the presentation, I got all nervous and shaky and actually began to "glisten" a little. Gross, I know. I would normally blame that on the classroom that has a reputation for being ridiculously warm, but there's just no sense in arguing that it wasn't my nerves. But after getting a few slides into my powerpoint, I realized "What the heck, I know what I'm talking about here!" so I ditched the nervousness and enjoyed the company of fellow geeks who asked intelligent questions and appreciated the difficulty of my work.

Overall, I rocked my 20 minute presentation. And then the coolest thing happened. One of the people in the room asked me if I would be interested having the occasional job at the college doing classes for the corporate and community education department. No kidding. It would involve explaining to various people how to use popular software, such as Microsoft Word. Next time they need someone, she is going to suggest me!

So I went into this meeting hoping to do well on this presentation, and came out with a quasi job offer! I think it's safe to say that I totally impressed my instructors. Yeah, I'm that awesome.


  1. Oooh, yay! That is so exciting! Congrats on getting through your degree and being so awesome!

  2. YAAAAAAAY!!!! I knew manderz was teh awesome...
