Thursday, May 20, 2010

Summer Movies

One important part of my summer is the great movies that come to our theater. Even if the weather is hot, humid, and overall nasty, I can still enjoy an air conditioned building and brand new flicks. This weekend, I kicked off my summer movie series with Letters to Juliet.

Honestly, I didn't even want to see it. I thought it was gonna be lame, slow, and boring, and I went into the movie already knowing exactly what's going to happen. But I decided to endure it for a friend who really wanted to see it. I figured if I was going to endure cinematic torture, I was at least going to enjoy a giant bucket of buttered popcorn. And gosh, did I enjoy it.

Surprisingly, the movie was much better than expected. I was right about what was going to happen, but it was nice to watch the characters get to the end. Although, Iron Man 2 was being played way too loudly in the room next to us. I enjoy explosions on screen, but not in the middle of a mushy scene. I should be hearing "aaaawwwww" not a somewhat muffled "BOOM!" at that moment.

It was during this movie that I realized why I enjoy going to the theater so much. Not just for the movie that I want to see, but for the story telling experience. I get to sit in a big dark room, with a lap full of food (whether smuggled in illegally or not), and be told a 2-hour story. It's a chance to get away from the daily routine and be taken on a short vacation from reality to fantasy.

I've already got a pretty long list of movies that I know I want to see: Prince of Persia, Iron Man 2, Toy Story 3, Shrek 4, Despicable Me, The Last Airbender, and maybe the Sorcerer's Apprentice. But I might have to find a few more movies to see just so I can enjoy the experience... and more of that buttered popcorn.

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