Thursday, September 9, 2010

Oh, The Cliffhangers!

I don't think my jaw has ever in my two decades of life dropped so far as it did Tuesday night. Tears began to build up as I watched the unexpected turn of events play out before my eyes. Mozzie, my favorite crazy conspiracy theorist character had been shot and then the screen faded to black. That was the end of the mid-season finale of White Collar. Is it ridiculous that I wanted to cry right then? I have convinced myself that he is not dead. And based on an interview I read with one of the other actors, I'm hoping that I'm right.

Even with such annoying cliff hangers, I love watching season finales because they normally pull out all the stops and aplode my mind with awesomeness. I've been RSVP-ing to several "finale parties" on Facebook for my favorite shows. Even though the party is in my living room, saying that I'll be attending along with thousands of other fans makes me feel important, haha!

Another show that just finale'd is my beloved Psych. I was very unimpressed with last season because it just wasn't as funny as it used to be. But in the first half of this season, they have won me over again. They kept me laughing, especially during the episode where Gus and Lassie tap danced. In the finale, Juliet finally learns how Shawn feels about her and then she kissed him quite nicely. I got all sortsa squealy. Bout time, Psych writers!

But enough about finales, now I want to talk about premieres. Chuck is scheduled to come back on the air later this month, and I'm super excited about the new direction they'll be taking the show. I adore Zachary Levi and I cannot wait to see new episodes full of his attractiveness. (Oh and he's the male lead in the new Disney flick "Tangled" - Yes I am 21 years old, and I WILL be seeing this in the theater.) And Castle is coming back on the same night as Chuck, so I'll be eating tons of popcorn that night.

I would go on to compare Hannah Montana's new drama and ridiculousness to that of professional wrestling, but I don't feel like it. Although I will say that wrestling can be quite hilarious when you mute it and make up your own dialog. You should try it sometime.


  1. HAHAHAHA! Now I want to watch wrestling, that sounds hilarious!

    I STILL haven't checked out any of these shows... I'm still trying to catch up on my reruns of the Office! I'll see them someday, I hope!

    By the way, I like the new background, its pertyful!

  2. My older sis and I were waiting for wrestling to end so we could watch our show for the evening, but we got tired of hearing their grunts of the "wrestlers" and yells of the commentators. We were already laughing at the horrible acting as they threw such obviously faked punches, so muted the tv and made even more fun of them by making up their insults and winner's speeches. I'm considering watching wrestling regularly just so I can get a good laugh. :D
