Sunday, September 26, 2010

Breaking the Habit

Normally where food is concerned, I am a creature of habit. My family and friends will tell you that I always order the same thing at Chick-fil-a: Number one, no pickle, fries, LARGE sweet tea. And maybe a small ice cream later if I feel like it. But I've been branching out and trying new foods lately and I'm lovin' it. (No McDonald's reference intended, although they also have good sweet tea)

Experimenting with sammiches has been a blast. After trying a bacon, lettuce and tomato sammich at a restaurant, I decided I would make my own with LOTS more than just three little slices of bacon. And omgeeee it was heavenly. Unfortunately bacon is expensive so I can't make this all the time, but since I got paid on Friday, I may have to make a special trip to the grocery store. Here's a pic of that loverly sammich...

I also considering trying turkey bacon. Supposedly it's better for you, but I'll have to examine some price tags before I can figure out of it's worth it. Darn my limited income.

A friend of mine made some black bean brownies recently. I was a little unsure when she was describing them to me, but it sounded so interesting, it was definitely worth a shot. Instead of using the regular eggs, water, and veggie oil, you mash up a can of black beans and throw it in with the brownie mix. Well not the can itself, because that wouldn't be very delicious at all. Anyways, I tried one and it wasn't as weird as it sounded! It was not as sweet as normally brownies, but it wasn't bad.

Just last week, I discovered something wonderful. Chobani greek yogurt. I have made many attempts to like yogurt and add it to my menu, but had been unsuccessful until meeting Chobani. I think I'm gonna be addicted to the strawberry one. Like I told my mommy, it's like strawberry ice cream except it's goopy instead of creamy. I tried the peach one this morning, and it was ok. There's still and blueberry and pomegranate one in the fridge that I will try later.

I'm quickly discovering that trying new foods is lots of fun, but don't expect me to change my Chick-fil-a order any time soon.


  1. Mmm, making your own food is such good fun =)

    Unfortunately the price of food in America makes it more economical to buy take-away than cook yourself. But I make big meals (spag bol, stir-fry etc) and put left-overs into containers for lunch at work during the week. These freeze well too =)

    If you want to try yoghurt, make a pizza with lamb (or chicken) and rocket and fetta and pumpkin and drizzle Greek yoghurt over it - YUM! Add some Morrocan spices and it's amazing!

  2. The best thing to do with sandwiches is try different breads. The whole time I was growing up, I refused to eat a sandwich. Then I figured out it was because I hate white bread and condiments XD

    Now there's nothing I love more than a Subway foot long with double turkey, lettuce, black olives, and jalapenos!

    Ok, there's a lot of stuff I love more than that, but you get the point.

  3. No kidding, Amy, it's much cheaper to get McDonalds than to make your own meals. But I've considered making big meals and saving the rest, and that's probably what I'll do when/if I move out. :P And I'm sorry, but pizza should never be violated with yogurt.

    I'm not a big Subway fan, but more power to ya, chica! :D

  4. Actually, cooking all your food at home as opposed to eating out saves you close to 2 grand a year. (That's for a family of three, I think, but you get the point) You just have to learn to buy the right ingredients! For instance, I just made a loaf of banana bread. Total, all the ingredients cost around $1.50 for a whole loaf. A loaf of banana bread at the supermarket costs about $3-$4 and its usually smaller and less hearty than homemade (and less tasty).

    Trying new foods is fun, though. You should just leave the bacon out and it'll be even more fun! :-D
