Sunday, September 5, 2010

Calculating My Future?

A few years back, I considered becoming a math teacher. I have ALWAYS loved math and seriously thought about teaching it to others. Maybe not in the traditional high school setting, but possibly as a tutor. But things happened as my education and career goals changed and took me away from the study of numbers. I may yet have a chance to pursue this idea...

When I was homeschooling I pretty much taught myself math and I rocked at it. And then I had the pleasure of having astounding math teachers like Mrs. Brock in middle school, and then Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Cormier in high school. Also for a course in college, I had the amazing Mr. Parker - a cute old guy who was awesome enough to let us have a break one morning while he beautifully played his guitar for us. Contrast my great teachers with the instructors my younger sisters have had, and I know the value of an excellent teacher.

My dad is a great pastor and teacher, but he's not good at all in the math department. So when the private school asked him to take on a math course in addition to his two Bible classes, I laughed. Like, loud. For realz. The man can teach some Bible, but Algebra I? HA! But then he and I came up with a genius plan. I would teach him the lesson at night and he would teach it to his students this next morning. If they had questions that he couldn't answer, he would consult me and I would explain it to him. And I was still in high school at this time.

Now after much thought and prayer, we are bringing my sister Lindy home for school this year. But that left us with a dilemma. My mom simply cannot teach higher math like Algebra and Geometry. But I've been working with Lindy on extra math practice this summer and I am quickly remembering why I love math and helping others appreciate it. And the arrangements are now final - I will teach her Algebra II this year.

My parents have told me for years that I would make a good math teacher. Even in doing presentations for my computer courses, my instructors have told me that I would make a good teacher. It's something that I would not mind doing, but I wasn't too sure about it when it was time to make education decisions. I don't regret studying computers, but now I'm sorta considering a future as a math teacher again. Don't get me wrong, I love my radio job, but do I really want to do that for the rest of my life? And I've no idea what to do about it if I decided on teaching, because I really don't feel like going back to school right now. My brain still hurts from studying operating systems. (BTW, Windows 7 rocks so much harder than Vista.)

It's definitely something to think on and pray about. But for right now, I get to try out my math instruction skills on my sister. I hope she enjoys being my guinea pig! And while I'm practicing on her, I'll also practice writing my name on a dry-erase board. "Miss Carroll"... "Miss Mandy"... "Miss Awesome"?


  1. Oh my goodness you WOULD make a good math teacher! I think "Miss Mandy Carroll Awesome" would work, haha.

  2. Hahaha, sounds cool but so much class time would be wasted if I made the students say all that each time they wanted my attention! :P
