Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I did a post a few weeks ago about summer movies, so I just wanted to give an update on that! I had listed several films that I wanted to see in that post (Click here to view it) and I've already seen many of them!! Summers just aren't complete without frequent flicks to the theater, so I've been greatly enjoying this one!

I saw Iron Man 2!! The first one was excellent, I thought, but I'm always nervous when a sequel is made. On countless instances, the sequels are not near as good as the originals. The Spiderman series is a good example of horrible sequels. Ick. Anyways, I thought that this sequel was extremely well done. It satisfied my pyrotechnic side with seemingly endless explosions. Fourth of July came early this year, baby, haha! While the original is still my favorite, this was probably the best "2" I've ever seen. I look forward to what they do with a 3rd one!

I also saw Shrek Forever After! I've always liked the Shrek films, much to the chagrin of my mom who thinks they are a waste of film. But then I tell her that they didn't use film, so it's ok, haha! It was a fun movie to watch, especially when seeing Puss n Boots as a fat pet kitty, but it's not quite as good as the first one. Nothing can beat that amazing piece of hilarious originality.

Price of Persia was... eh. I was really disappointed with this one, because it seemed really great from the previews. I love watching sword fights and the story was great. But the last ten minutes totally killed it for me! *SPOILER! Highlight the next few lines to read the text...* The prince spends the entire movie working towards one goal and falling in love with the princess chica. The situations get progressively worse and the body count rises until right at the end when time is turned back to almost the beginning of the movie so that the prince can stop this chain of bad stuffage before it starts. Interesting concept, but it made me feel like I wasted two hours of my life. I left the theater pretty emotionally unsatisfied. He got to know the princess girl so well, but now he has to start all over!! The ending implies that they'll fall in love again, but that wasn't good enough for me. Dangit.
So yeah, it was frustrating.

And now today, I saw a surprise movie, The A-Team. I looooved watching this show when I was younger, and still enjoy watching when I can today. Must like my love for NCIS, I enjoy the show for how the characters interact, and this movie really grasped that aspect. Again, there were what seemed like endless explosions (and trade-markable car flips all over the place) which made me all happy inside. Some of the actions sequences were a little fantastical, like when they shot down drones with a falling tank. Cool, but ridiculously unrealistic. But it wouldn't be A-Team without that, haha! Overall, it was a good movie, except it had a lot more language than I would have preferred. Although, I laughed as they covered up the really bad words with explosions.

Oh, and I found out recently that C. S. Lewis' Voyage of the Dawn Treader is coming out in December!! Some time ago, the news was that the making of this movie fell through and they weren't able to do it. But I am SUPER excited that I'm going to be able to see my second favorite Narnia book played out on screen! (The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe being my favorite of course) So yeah, I'm super giddy. Happy birthday to me!! Here's the trailer:

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