Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wii unFit

My beloved jeans have been getting a little too snug for my liking lately. So instead of paying for a gym membership, I have opted to dust off our little used Wii Fit and work on it every morning. And I'm not a morning person at all, so it's taken some extra work just to make myself actually do stuff right after I wake up.

I start out doing some yoga positions which are surprisingly difficult. My "tree" pose started out as more of a "tree in a hurricane" and then the CGI instructor would tell me how unbalanced I was. Way to state the obvious, miss instructor lady. Apparently, yoga is dependent on balance, so my lack of coordination doesn't help at all. But I'm getting better!! I always do a little happy dance when I beat my previous score, and there's been lotsa happy dancing lately.

The next stage is the more rigorous strength exercises. I still can't do a real push up, so I'm stuck doing the girly ones where my knees are still on the ground. But it's ok, because the instructor lady can't see, haha! But the lunges are even harder. It's normally about halfway through this exercise that my thighs are screaming at me, and I reach up to pull the cord to turn the ceiling fan up on high. Me no likey to be sweaty.

After the intensity of the strength exercises, I get into the somewhat silly aerobics section. I like doing the basic step, but I always get frustrated because it's giving me more "OK's" than "Perfect's". My timing is totally right, dangit! That wii couldn't keep a beat if its battery life depended on it! And then I work off my frustration with a short in-place run. Don't tell the instructor lady, but I cheated on the last few seconds of today's run by waving the remote sensor a little instead of actually running.

I've been doing this every morning for about a week and can already notice how my body is adjusting to the daily workout routine. It's getting easier to crawl out of bed and get some exercise, and I'm also noticing that my abs are getting firmer! Imma have a six pack before you know it! And no, I'm not talking about Mountain Dew.


  1. Great Job Mandy!!! If you ever want to workout together let me know!!! Something else that you can try once you feel like you have mastered what you are doing now is add on a 30 minute walk outside, either in the morning or at night, you would not imagine how much of a diffrence walking makes. I have alot of ideas for all kinds of exercises to let me know!

  2. Even though it says, "Anonymous", I'm pretty that's Katrina, haha! I know walking would do a world of good for me, but it's just so hot outside that I don't think I could handle it right now. But there's always the option of just walking around in Walmart, right?

  3. hahahahahaahahahaha


    i should get out ours since my fat jeans are now "didn't eat for two days" skinny jeans.

  4. Yeeeeaaaah that's probably a good idea, Stepherz. But you're still super skinny, so it might be better just to buy new jeans!! Shopping time!

  5. I LOVE YOGA!! I'm so excited because I signed up for a yoga class next semester, so I'll be forced to workout :P

  6. Yoga is fun once you get used to it. I like how I can work up a sweat even though I'm not really moving, haha! I would take a class, but I would be too embarrassed, so I do it within the privacy of my living room. :P
