Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sweeter Than Honey

Dad had to take off a Wednesday night recently to visit a church member in the hospital and left the lovely Mrs. Jane Garner in charge of the mid-week meeting. I absolutely adore her. If I didn't have such a great mentor in my mommy, I would want to be under the teaching of Mrs. Jane. She's so full of love for Christ and His church and she can also make me nearly fall out of my chair with excessive laughter. I want to be just like her when I grow up.

She is also full of love for God's word, which is what she taught about on Wednesday. And what she said really resonated with me. She read Psalm 119:97-104 and commented on the psalmist's words describing how he felt about the word of God. The primary idea was that he loved it. It wasn't just something he respected and read every morning with his coffee and bowl of Lucky Charms, it was something he treasured.

The psalmist also said that God's word is sweeter than honey to him. Now you can buy a bear-shaped bottle of honey for less than $2 at your nearest Walmart, but at the time this was written it was a rare treat. Instead of honey, I adore chocolate and my favorite TV show Chuck. But can I honestly say that God's word is more desirable and enjoyable to me than my beloved snack (that I probably already have too much of) and favorite story (which I may or may not be completely addicted to)?

Lately I've been incredibly busy at work with longer-than usual hours and several new responsibilities. Reading and meditating on my Bible has been a little less frequent and treated like a chore. But if I really, truly loved the word of God and desired it like this psalmist, I would have never gone a day without studying it. Through Mrs. Jane, God pointed out to me that night that my priorities have been a little off. And I'm so excited to see what God does when I really begin to treasure his word.

(Just to let you all know, you can be a better stalker now and follow my blog by email! Look to your right and follow the instructions!)


  1. I like to stalk the old fashion way. from afar!

  2. Keeping it anonymous? You're pretty good at the stalker thing! :P
