Monday, August 23, 2010

Stuck In My Head

So I've had Hannah Montana songs stuck in my head for the last couple of days. Her devilishly catchy tunes simply cannot be shaken from my mind easily. I may have to stop watching the show just for the fact that whatever song is sung (I accidentally typed "dung" there when writing up my draft of this post... totally unintentional, but it may speak of what my subconscious thinks of Miss Miley) is replayed for hours on end following the credits. I need to get some good music stuck in my head. Liiiiike...

Addison Road! Their new album "Stories" came out a few weeks ago, and I downloaded it (legally, of course) the first available day. I loved their first album and have seen them in concert twice so far, so I was kinda nervous about how good album numero dos would be. I was disappointed with the quality of my beloved Tenth Avenue North's new album and I didn't want to feel that way about Addison Road. But I loved it!!! It was the same kinda stuff that I was attracted to in the beginning, but I can tell they have grown some as a band. I like that.

One of the things I really like in this album is how they sing about potentially depressing topics, but the music is very upbeat and does not reflect the expected feeling of the song. For example, the song "Don't Wait" begins "Today I lost a friend of mine, I never even got to say goodbye, I thought we had time to burn, but life is short you only get one turn..." But the music for this song was far from draggy and funeral procession-y. It quickly became one of those songs I dance to while driving down the highway with people looking at me funny.

Now I gotta take a quick bunny trail. I love how what could be sad songs are sung happily, but I hate it when the opposite happens. Happy songs should not sound sad. I will never forget one time the song "Beulah Land" was sung so horribly in a church. They were supposed to be singing about the joy at going to Heaven, but they slowed it down tremendously and it sounded like they were on their way to the other place. So yeah, don't make the tune ruin the happy. End bunny trail.

I'm also rediscovering the awesomeness that is Owl City. I already adore the songs "Fireflies" and "Vanilla Twilight" but just the other day I listened to the song "Rugs From Me To You." I'm not even going to bother trying to describe it, because I know I'm gonna crack up and then the rest of this post will be nothing but typos. So just go listen to it for yourself here and then you'll understand why Adam Young is now on a new level of awesome.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN!!! I cant stand it when joyful hymns are sung like dirges...
    Just heard a few of the new songs on Matthew Wests new album (cant remember the name of the album) but they sound really good.
