Friday, July 30, 2010

Diploma Or No Diploma? That Was The Question.

After weeks of waiting and warring, I finally have my diploma! Apparently, taking the classes and doing the homework is only half the work to get that pretty piece of paper. The other half is trying to convince the office that you did in fact complete your requirements for graduation and are entitled to receive a diploma.

A few weeks before the graduation ceremony, I checked with the registrar to make sure that I was set to graduate and walk the stage with the rest of my class. She responded that I was, upon the completion of certain courses I was then taking and the substitution of others. A piece of advice, my friends: Don't rely on an email for confirmation, but rather call your registrar and ask so many questions that it may cause them to hang up the phone out of frustration.

We were told before the graduation ceremony that we would be getting our diplomas in the mail within two weeks. I've no idea why they didn't have the diplomas ready for us that night. I mean really, I paid the fee for the diploma and I bought a cap and gown for the ceremony, so the very least they could do is give me my diploma that night! But noooooo, they'll mail it to us later. Ok then, but just as long as you're paying for the postage!

Anyways, I waited and waited but nothing ever came to my door in a diploma sized envelope. My friends got theirs, but mine was nowhere to be seen. So I took it upon myself to call the school and find out what was up. According to the records, I still had not completed my course requirements! Why they let me walk with my class without allegedly not fulfilling my requirements, I have no idea. For weeks, I continued to contact my advisor and registrar trying to figure out what was wrong. First they would say it's ok and I would have my diploma in a few days, and then something else would be wrong.

And then one morning I got an email from my advisor stating that I needed to take another English course. I hate English. Don't get me wrong, I can write an awesome paper. In fact, last semester I wrote a paper accusing Shakespeare of poor writing skills... and got an A. Yeah, I'm that awesome. I could rock another course if I had to, but I really hate English. At this point, my daddy called the president of the college, and then I started getting a little more attention. ;)

I then had a lengthy discussion with my division director and finally got everything straightened out. All mistakes in my paperwork were corrected and I did not have to take anymore courses! A few days later, I had this in hand...

All that being said, this is the first problem I've ever experienced with my school. Overall, they have been great to me and I don't regret spending the last three years with them. But I think they need a little more practice with their communication. Anyways, my name looks awesome on that paper and it will be framed and put on my wall very soon!


  1. YAY!

    Although seeing your name as "Amanda" is a little weird. Silly college. You're Mandy.

  2. Yay you finally got it! They did the same thing to me, they said that I needed to take a major elective and I was like "oh no I don't!!!" as you said they need to communicate better because after a chat here and there it got strightened out but it was a bit stressful there for a while! I am glad you got it and can enjoy looking at it every day!!!

  3. Sounds like something my college would do! I love it here but they stink at certain things like that. Congratulations!

    I think I will still freak out excitedly every time I remember we have the same middle name. YEAH WE HAVE THE SAME MIDDLE NAME!!!!! *high five*

  4. Steph, IKNOHUH?! It's weird seeing "Amanda" to me, too! haha!

    Katrina, I'm glad you got yours straightened out quickly! Oh, and I got it in a pretty frame! You'll have to see it next time you come by!

    Lacey, I had forgotten we shared the same middle name!! *high five* We be awesome.
