Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Time to Confess...

My nerdiness. I already have the geek factor due to my computer studies at school, but tonight I want to touch on my nerdiness. Yes, my friends, I am a Trekkie. Not quite the wear-a-uniform-complete-with-phaser-on-your-belt-and-attend-conventions type nerd, but a nerd nonetheless. (Although if I were, I would never doom and insult myself by wearing a red shirt - I'm smarter than that.)

When I was younger, I went through a stage where I would watch nothing but Star Trek: The Next Generation starring Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard. He totally rocked the baldness. I even had the hugest crush on Wil Wheaton's character Wesley Crusher. That's right, I wasn't crushing on the actor, but the character. Don't ask me to explain it, because I have no idea why. I did mention that I was young when this happened, right?

Although I have not seem much of Star Trek: The Original Series, I did enjoy watching (and laughing at) William Shatner play Captain Kirk. Especially in the "Trouble with Tribbles" episode... I still want one of those little balls of fluff for a pet. And I will have one someday, dangit. To this day, I enjoy the movie Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. There's just something about a scottish dude saying "There be whales here!"

But the new Star Trek movie with the amazing Chris Pine has made me fall in love with Star Trek all over again. Now if I could just find a ringtone that sounded like a tricorder...


  1. At least your brand of nerdiness is accepted in American society.

    I dream of a day when Trekkies, Manga Geeks, and boring normal people the world over can join hands in harmony.

  2. This post made me laugh. You are such a geek :D

    I can't talk, though. I had a *tiny* crush on the green dude when I was little. That's just weird.

  3. You too Shane, _\\//

    Steph, we just need to face the fact that boring normal people will never understand Trekkies and Manga Geeks. Silly people don't know what they're missing!

    Lacey, yes, I am a geek on so many levels! Which green dude did you crush on?

  4. I don't remember his name, but the hue of his skin made me think of mint chocolate-chip ice cream. Being a kid, that's probably why I crushed on him :))
