Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Counting Down The Days

Ever since learning the news yesterday, I am so super giddy about Tenth Avenue North, one if my fave bands, releasing a new album next month. I feel like I'm waiting in line to ride the awesomest roller coaster at the theme park, both terrified and excited as I count how many people are in line before me.

I am terrified because I'm afraid that mah boys will disappoint me. Several times, I've looked forward to a band's new album, but then I don't like it because either the band has changed or my personal tastes have changed. Having listened to these fellas for over a year now and loved their music, I would hate to find their second album less satisfying than their first.

But I am also ridiculously excited because I am in desperate need of a new album of awesomeness to add to my music collection. And based on their previous album, I don't really expect to be let down. These guys brought me "Love is Here" and "By Your Side", along with "Times" which still brings me to tears nearly every time I hear it... which really isn't a good thing while operating a moving vehicle. They have their newest single "Healing Begins" (which I have already listened to about twelve times) available on their website, and if the rest of the album is anything like that song then I'm almost sure I will love it.

I will be happily counting down the days, my friends. I daresay I am anticipating this more than the opening weekend of Lord of the Rings 3 and the DVD release of Star Trek. And that's saying a lot.


  1. hahahaha!!! well i hope it rox your pink fuzzy socks. if you even have pink fuzzy socks. if not, i will have to remedy that.

    i was disappointed by skillet's latest album, but red's blew my mind. i could mention other bands, too, but you probably don't know them XD


  2. I don't normally listen to the kind of music that Tenth Avenue North makes. In fact, I normally woulnd't even give one of their songs a chance. But I listened to "Heling Begins" after reading your post, and I'm glad I did cuz it was like...perfect timing.

    Thanks for posting it!

  3. Steph, I do have fuzzy pink socks and they have been thoroughly roxed. :D

    Lacey, I'm so glad you liked the song! I'm sure I'll be posting more songs in the future, so you should listen to them too! ;)
