Monday, July 19, 2010

I Don't Do Mornings

Last Friday, my family took a mini vacation to the Outer Banks to see my mom's aunt at her cute little beach house in Cape Hatteras, and then up to Chesapeake to see some of my dad's side of the family. The trip was quite nice, except for the part where we had to get up at 4 am in order to make the first ferry from Cedar Island to Ocracoke. I didn't even know that 4 o'clock came twice a day until then.

When I was little, I would annoy my mom because I would wake up with the sun. I was always excited the start the day. Oh how silly I was! Now that I am older and more understanding of the value of sleep (and sleeping late), I take the beginning of Psalm 127:2 to heart, "It is vain for you to rise up early." Amen! I still have to work on the next part of the verse that talks about not staying up late... but I LOVE the last part that says "He gives His beloved sleep," so I try to take full advantage of that gift. I don't wanna waste it!

So yeah, I do not like mornings. I don't even want to be talked to until I've been awake for an hour, and no amount of coffee can change that one hour restriction. And if I am talked to, I respond in incomprehensible moans and growls. I discovered a verse recently that I think justifies this state of morning hatred in Proverbs 27:14, "He who blesses his friend with a loud voice, rising early in the morning, It will be counted a curse to him." I seriously laughed when I first read this. God tries so hard to give us some common sense, don't He? Ok, so it doesn't completely justify my morning grouchies, but it warns perky morning people that evening people don't take kindly to sweet words in the early hours. If only people understood that!!!

I think that God Himself understands the horribleness of mornings. In Lamentations 3:22-23, it describes how His mercies are new each morning. Why should they be new each morning? Because He knows just how annoying they are, and therefore how much more we need those mercies! So am I irrational to think that mornings are so awful? According to the Bible, I think not!

Disclaimer: Yes, I know that I completely took some of these passages out of context and did not discuss their meanings correctly. But I know it got you thinkin'. ;)

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