Monday, July 26, 2010

Despicable Me

I'm still working my way down my list of movies that I wanted to see this summer, as noted in this post. It has been a great time and I've gotten to see almost every one that I had listed so far! Although after hearing some pretty horrible reviews of The Last Airbender and almost running out of spending money, we opted to nexflick it when it comes out on DVD. Oh, and I haven't seen Toy Story 3 yet and I'm having the hardest time not hearing anything about it from my sisters who have. But on to what I have seen...

Despicable Me was adorable. Gru aspires to be the greatest thief in the world, setting out to steal the moon. (dun dun DUUUUUUN) But really, who names their kid "Gru"?!?! His mama musta hated him because it's the abbreviation for a Soviet military intelligence service. (Thank you, Google!) No wonder he rebelled and became a thief! On the bright side though, it's not as bad as Jabez' mama naming him "Pain." And I thank God that my mom decided to not call me "Polly Esther" as my cruel father wanted. But I digress...

So like his outdated name, Gru himself is outdated and is striving to out-do his younger competitor. In order to complete his mission, Gru needs to steal a vital piece of equipment from this nemesis by penetrating his heavily armed fortress accessible only by little girls selling cookies. I mean seriously, who can resist that, right? Gru then adopts three little girls to infiltrate the compound and to make a long story short, he eventually comes to love the girlies and gave up his dream to be their daddy. I totally saw it coming.

It definitely wasn't the most substantial plot in the world, it made up for it in mind-aploding cuteness. I couldn't understand a single word the little yellow minions were saying, but that didn't change the fact that I wanted to take one home after the movie was over. I still might have to buy a minion plushie so I can snuggle one. The flick was full of "aaaawwwwwwww's" and laughter, and we musta said "IT'S SO FLUFFY I'M GONNA DIE!" about twenty times during the ride home. Despicable Me was super cute but I'm not sure if I'd be interested in seeing it again.

But with that being said, take a second to adore the cuteness...


  1. The little girls were cute but I found the minions to be 10-billion times cuter. I was half-asleep for most of the movie, tho, so I missed some of it :|

  2. Why were you sleeping through the movie?!?!


    Poor Lacey.

    I slept through most of Hancock. Jared was annoyed since I had been the one who wanted to see it.

  4. I was out with some friends and we all decided to go see a movie. However, they were all incredibly indecisive and wouldn't decide on a movie, until we only had time to see a late showing, which started at like 10:30. I'm *usually* asleep by then on weekdays because I work, so I was really tired and just settled back in the coolness of the theater and snoozed away.

  5. Hi Mandy, I was trying to find a place to email you but couldn't I am using your It's so fluffy pic on my garden blog. I'm new to this and just wanted to check to see if it was cool. I provided a link back to your blog, and will post a link to mine here so you can check it out. Please let me know if it's ok to use

    PS. I loved the movie too. I think there are some great life lessons in it.
