Monday, May 9, 2011

My Deformity

Do you still have a webbed toe?

In a word - yes. I still have my cute little deformity. For those who don't know, two of the toes on my left foot are stuck together. I would include a picture in this post, but I don't want to alienate my readers who have weak stomachs and irrational fears of footsies. You can thank me later.

Occasionally I consider having it "fixed" but I'm horrified of needles, blood, and just the thought of surgery. If I listed all my fears, surgery would be close to (if not at) the top of that list, higher than death itself. But other than my aversion to surgery, there's few reasons that I'll make do with it.

Firstly, it made Mom sure she brought home the right baby. After going through 40 hours of labor and being three weeks late (which she reminds me about on a regular basis), she woulda hated to come home with the wrong kid. Although during the first six months of my upset tummy, she might have wished I got switched at birth...

My little deformity also makes an awesome conversation topic as some people are amazed and calling all their friends over to see it. Either that or their faces twist in disgust which can be quite hilarious.

When Dad does the piggies thing on my toes, he starts off with the big toe like normal saying "This little piggy went to market." But then he'll pinch the webbing between the special toes and say "And these two stayed home and had roast beef because they're joined at the hip." I normally don't get past that part because his rough old man fingers are tickley.

Even though it's so much fun, it does have its down side. If I were ever interested, I would probably be disqualified as a competitive swimmer. It's just not fair to the others than I'm part froggie. Oh, and I can't wear toe socks. And that's really annoying because some are ridiculously cute.

So I am still just one comment away from beating my comments record on my Ask Mandy post! Somebody puh-leaze ask me something interesting!