Monday, April 19, 2010

Summer Reading

With my final school semester coming to a close, I've been spending my spare time wondering what the heck I'm going to do when it's over and I have my associates. While I'm sure I want to take at least an extended break from school, I am considering a second job or picking up some hobbies ranging from art to guitar lessons. So many things are unclear at the moment, but there is one thing that I know I want to do. Read.

School work has prevented me from being able to read anything interesting for quite some time now. In reality, I've read a lot, but it's all textbooks. I even took a class on literature this semester, but it's been pretty horrible apart from a few poems that I actually enjoyed. Come May 9th, I will have plenty of time to read whatever I want, and here's a list of some that I am really looking forward to...

"Sherlock Holmes: The Hound of the Baskervilles" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I got about half way through this book during Christmas break, and I am determined to finish it. After watching the new Sherlock Holmes movie, I was inspired to some of his novels and I'm sure I will read more than just this one during the course of the summer.

"Saved By Her Enemy" by Don Teague and Rafraf Barrak. I had set up an interview with the authors of this book for Coastal Daybreak, and Ben was so impressed with the people that he gave me the book and told me to read it. It's a true story in which a news correspondent covering the war in the middle east befriends an Iraqi woman translator. But her life becomes threatened by her own people and the correspondent brings her home and gives her the chance to start a new life.

"And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie. My older sister Sam, a mystery novel enthusiast, claims that this is one the best books she has ever read. Having heard rave reviews from others, I'm pretty sure this is gonna be something awesome. So I'm going to have to figure out a way to steal it from my sister's massive book collection without her noticing...

"Mere Christianity" by C. S. Lewis. I have had this book in my possession for the longest time, but I have yet to get past chapter three. In just the first few paragraphs, Lewis blew my mind with his simple logic and profound intellect, and then I realized I could only take this book in very small but potent doses. I plan on reading many other writings of his throughout the next few years.

There are countless other books that I would love to read, but I'll start with these few and see where I go from there!


  1. Read Thr3e by Ted Dekker. If that's the only book you ever read by him, it is still worth it. I don't think anyone should go their life without reading it. It was fully satisfying.

  2. I got really giddy when I saw the Sherlock Holmes novel on your list. I'm currently working my way through a collection of Mr. Doyle's Holme's books, and I loooooooooove them so far! I'm reading "A Study in Scarlet" right now, and love it.

    I think I've heard of "And Then There Were None", but I can't figure where I heard about it. Oh and I've been meaning to read "Mere Christianity" since my sis read it, cause I've heard its great too.

    now you've got me all excited for MY summer reading too, hahahaha!

  3. P.S. I have a new blog, for day-to-day type stuff and not just food-

  4. I agree with Steph, Thr3e is a fantastic novel! Good movie too. Heavenly Man is also a wonderful biography, if you haven't read it. The Red, Black and White series by Ted Dekker is also quite good. So many good books, so little time!

  5. Steph and Amy, I've heard lots of great things about Dekker, so I may have to add one of his to my list.

    Lacey, I'm following your blog! :)
