Thursday, April 22, 2010

Prayer's Pretty Awesome

I just want to take a few moments to tell you what God is doing in my life right now. Last week, I had talked about the Believing God study and what I was learning through that, specifically that I can fully rely on His promises even when He answers my prayers with a "no." But today, God has reminded me that He does in fact answer prayers affirmatively!!

For the last several weeks, I had been praying that a friend of mine would accept Christ as her Savior. But last Sunday, I prayed for her at church with one of my sisters. Yesterday morning, I received a message from my friend saying that she got saved recently, and I can't thank God enough! This made me so happy, and that's a big deal because I'm never so happy ten minutes after waking up! Never!

Lately during Wednesday night prayer meetings, we have been walking through the church building praying that the rooms would be filled up with people, that those who come would have their socks blessed off, and whatever else that God lays on our hearts concerning those who darken our doorways. Last week, me and a couple of other people prayed in one of the women's Sunday school classrooms, and this past Sunday, they had a room absolutely full of ladies! (The teacher of the class said that next time we do the prayer walk, she wants us to go back to her room, haha!) Also, from my perch up in the sanctuary balcony, it seemed like there were more people in the building this Sunday than there had been the last few weeks. Coincidence? I think not!

I think that a lot of the time, we are like Peter's friends in Acts 12. Peter was in jail, and his friends prayed fervently for his release. But when Peter showed up at their doorstep, they responded "No way...... wait, really?" Many times, we pray for something, but don't really expect God to answer it. But I do not want to be like these loyal, but somewhat slow people. I want to be the person that immediately recognizes God's answer to my prayer and is overwhelmed with thanks!

We have a great big awesome God that is so ready and willing to bless our socks off. But I think that sometimes, He's just waiting for us to ask.

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