Sunday, November 28, 2010


I have lived in the same little room full of all my stuffage for nearly eight years. Every now and again I find myself bored with the decor. But instead of emptying my room to paint and rearrange furniture, I replace pretties and pictures on my shelves and walls and clean out some of the stuff I don't use anymore. I would rearrange the furniture, but I know there's absolutely no other way to could get all my stuff to fit within these four walls.

So this weekend, I barricaded myself in my room to redecorate as opposed to getting up way before dawn and suffering from social claustrophobia while fighting people for toys and electronics. The spirit of creativity and cleansing came upon me and I proceeded to make a huge mess of my room before throwing things out and prettifying the place again. With papers, candles, and stuffed animals tossed about my quarters, I shifted all my books and DVDs around and infused a cutesy thing here and there. And ta-da!! I have a new looking room!

My already significantly reduced cd collection had been filling up needed space on my shelves, so I donated most of them to our church youth group. Since I have all those discs ripped to my hard drive and I download (legally) most of the music I have, there's really no need to keep them. However, I am holding on to a few cds for sentimental reasons. Like two of them have autographed pamphlets and remind me of great concerts. I absolutely cannot let go of Josh Groban's "Noel" album. And another is a gift from one of my favorite teachers at my old high school. That's particularly funny because we would often get in debates with him about how Christian rock is good while he said it was an oxymoron. But then the cd he gave me was rocked out praise and worship music. His wife probably purchased it, but I like thinking that maybe I did win those debates after all.

For the longest time, I've been wanting to put large pictures from my trip to Charleston SC from about three years ago. I'm not very artistic, but I know a pretty picture when I see it. And so yesterday I took the plunge, got three of my favorite photos printed off as 8x10's, and bought three matching frames. Here are the pics:

This one makes me feel like I'm spying a little because it's somebody's personal balcony. But it's in the historic district so they know their place is gonna be looked at and they shouldn't mind, haha! But I adore the wrought iron decorations and the overflowing flower pot in the middle. And those iron plates at the top and left side of the picture have their own special story. While taking a carriage tourist ride, they explained that bombs rocked the city during the Civil War and the buildings became structurally unsound. So to keep the walls from falling off, they ran long iron rods through the house and secured them with the plates on the outer walls.

One of my absolute favorite pictures, this was taken from the wall of the city that overlooks Charleston Harbor and Fort Sumter. I love these lamps that dot the walkway surrounded by mountains of giant azaleas. Maybe it reminds me of Narnia, thus flinging me into my own fantasy world of kings and fauns, except here it would be southern gentlemen and smelly horses. Ok, maybe it's not that fantastical, haha! And then I also love the old historic homes and buildings in the background.

And finally, I spent half an afternoon at this place. The Waterfront Park is filled with benches, flowers, and the occasional college student taking a nap in the grassy spots. For a second I considered going to school there just so I could act like a hobo like these other people. When Sam and I weren't sitting next to the pineapple fountain, we relaxing on the pier in the back of the photo. If you look closely, you can see a battleship to the right. I love how this picture is taken in the shade under a tree and looks out on the sunbathed plants surrounding my favorite fountain.

I'm not even completely done redecorating my room, but I hope it's a while before I feel the need to do this again because it's exhausting. Now please excuse me while I take much needed nap.

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