Sunday, November 21, 2010

God Giggles

I am convinced that God likes humor. I know He often looks down on me and calls His angel buds over, saying "Look at my girl! Right there! She's absolutely ridiculous! I made her that way!" I'd like to think I bring God a giggle every now and then, maybe with my spontaneous singing of Disney Channel songs, my clumsiness that causes me to run into unsuspecting family members in the house hallway, or my awesome dancing to Owl City tunes (New single drops Tuesday! So excited!) as I'm driving down the highway at possibly higher-than-legal speeds. Well He probably doesn't laugh at the law breaking, but let's change the subject, shall we?

So why do I think God has a sense of humor? Well other than the fact that He made my dad, I think it shows up tons throughout the Bible but we don't take the time to notice it. For instance, check out Matthew chapter 7, particularly verses 39 and 40. A pharisee was complaining about Jesus under his breath, knowing that He wouldn't hear. Just imagine for a moment the look on the man's face when Jesus answered his muttered, incomprehensible complaint. I picture it as shock with his eyes wide and jaw dropped, wondering if maybe he'd gone crazy. This is one of those times when I wish I'd been a fly on the wall to see this man's attempt to regain composure after such a zing from Jesus.

Another part of the Bible that makes me laugh is Numbers 22:1-35. Balaam is traveling when his donkey notices an armed angel on the path before them. The donkey tries several tactics to stop Balaam, first by turning off the path, then running him into a wall, and finally by lying on the ground. Now, Balaam is walking with many officials of the region who are probably looking at him like he's an idiot. What kind of Bible time dude can't control his own donkey?! But then it gets even better. In verse 28, God opened the donkey's mouth and it begins talking to Balaam. Do you read of any shock or even a confused pause of the prophet? No! He carries on a whole conversation with a talking animal without a single stop to check his sanity! It absolutely cracks me up that this entire ordeal would not give him the least bit of alarm. Even though God was angry with Balaam at the moment, I've no doubt that He must have let out a laugh when He saw how his boy couldn't take a hint.

I also think God shows humor in nature. I mean, why else would He create the platypus? (You've no idea how hard I'm fighting to not burst out with the Perry the Platypus theme song right now) It's so weird, a mammal with a duck bill and beaver tail that lays eggs. My guess is the He made it just for fun and to give Himself a giggle. Which makes me wonder, what does a God giggle sound like?! Imma have to find that out eventually, because that has got to be absolutely epic.


  1. I KNOW!! I love finding verses that make me laugh. There's this one, I think in Matthew somewhere, where the deciples were being described and it said that "they had everything in common." I always find that funny!


    Yeah, well, God probably giggles at me too :|

    Oh, and there's this other one, I can't remember where it is, but God is talking to the Pharisee's I think. They are doubting what He says to them, and God is just like, "Are you so simple minded that you cannot understand?" God just called them retards, haha!

  2. Haha, I know the verses you're talking about and I like them too! Especially the one where He called them retards hahahahaha! I love my God, He's not afraid to tell it like it is.
