Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thank You, Ladies

Ok so I don't want to talk about politics. I hear enough political discussions on my radio station from Rush Limbaugh and others, and I like to keep my blog generally fun and lighthearted, so this is a politics-free zone. But this was too much fun, I just had to tell you all about it.

I got a letter in the mail today from the Carteret County Democratic Women. I considered burning it, but that would have been rude and mommy would be disappointed. So I curiously opened it to read about the local candidates they were promoting. When promoting a candidate for senate, they took a few lines to talk about all the "horrible" things that the current Republican senator had voted for, one of which was giving tax breaks to the wealthy. I said to myself "But I LIKE all these things this guy voted for! I'm totally voting for this dude in November."

This afternoon, I wrote a thank you letter to the Carteret County Democratic Women. They helped me choose the best candidate for me, so I should at the very least thank them for it, right? It will go out tomorrow morning. Here's what I wrote:

Dear Carteret County Democratic Women,
I would like to thank you for your very informative letter. Because of your efforts, I am even more convinced that voting for Richard Burr is the right choice. Do you realize that when the wealthy have tax cuts, they use the money they save and hire people, therefore stimulating the local economy and providing jobs to those who need them? Again, thank you for your letter and God bless!
Sincerely, Amanda

I nearly put my full name and return address on the card and envelope, but I don't want to be bombarded with all their other propaganda just out of spite. For a moment I thought about putting some baby powder in the card just to have a little extra fun and scare them. But that might have backfired, possibly giving them a chance to show up on the news due to an Anthrax scare and promote their cause. They ain't getting no free publicity because of me, no sir!

Speaking of which, I don't get the point of these ads and letters talking about your opponents issues. All it does is provide free advertising for your enemy! Why don't you just talk about what your issues are instead of what your opponent stands for? Oh well. I may never understand political campaigning. I'll be so happy when elections are over... and the Carteret County Democratic Women are mourning all their political losses.

Now, please no political comments in my comment boxes. You can talk about my awesome
political activism, but remember, this is a politics-free zone. Thank you.