Monday, October 25, 2010

Early-Onset Cat Lady

On Friday night, my family finally got together to watch How to Train Your Dragon. We saw it in the theater and adored it, so we were super giddy when dad brought it home from the store. But with our busy schedules, that night was the first opportunity for all of us to be together and enjoy the movie. As we watched the awesomely animated flick, we kept pointing out just how much the dragon Toothless was like our cat Zaboo. There were so many similarities, like the way he walked, his facial expressions, and his attitude, that it seemed as though someone had been watching Zaboo and modeled the dragon after her. But then I got to thinking, is it weird that I'm noticing cat-like behavior in other things? Maybe this is early-onset cat lady?!?!

Because I've been so clueless lately about what I want to do with my life, maybe this is a sign! Looking back on my childhood, I might have actually considered becoming a crazy cat lady without even realizing it. When I was little, mom would let me draw pictures during the sermon in church with the single condition that my pictures had to be about Jesus. I would often draw cats with the excuse that Jesus made them. And then in one very rare moment of bad behavior, I threw a fit in a Walmart so that I could get a Catwoman action figure. Unlike the villain she really was, I always played with her as the hero and saving people's lives. I thought she was cool. Still do, as a matter of fact.

And now, I'm obsessed with All the captioned kitties make me laugh so hard as I think "Oh my gosh, that's exactly what our cats would say!!!" I have to go to the site everyday to get my daily dose of feline gigglez. One night, my sisters and I went through about 30 pages of the 1000+ page site and nearly died of laughter. We spent several minutes doubled over, sometimes on the floor, gasping for oxygen, and desperately fighting the unexpected call of nature as the tears rolling down our cramped cheeks taunted us. I don't think my sides have ever hurt near that much as they did that night.

Another thing I've discovered online are Simon's Cat videos. It's such simple animation, not near as awesome-looking as How to Train Your Dragon, but so adorable and just as revealing of a cat's life that I cannot help but enjoy it. And I think my early-onset cat lady-ness has made me quite attracted to the character I assume to be Simon. Too weird? Probably so. Here's my favorite video:

I vowed a long time ago that one day, I will have an orange kitty named Pumpkin. It's just a fact. If I ever happen to get married, my fella will have to love Pumpkin whether he likes it or not. And then maybe later, I'll have another one named Pi. I'm so mathematically punny.

So I loved Catwoman, I'm addicted to, I'm entertained by Simon's Cat, and I will have a Pumpkin kitty. I think the evidence is quite strong in support of my future cat lady-ness. Time to hit the thrift stores to buy some frumpy clothes and start stocking up on Fancy Feast. You can all start sending me your leftover milk rings and buying me lint rollers for Christmas.

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