Sunday, August 15, 2010

Living With Little?

In light of my last post depicting my happiness about shopping, this article seemed ridiculous when I first read it. A couple in Oregon are living with 100 items each including clothes and other necessities. Just in my dresser I have probably 200 items already, so the idea of living with so little seemed insane. But what about all my beloved shoes?? What about my Psych DVD collection?? And oh my gosh, what about my bag full of makeup must-haves?!?!?! But upon further thought, it really doesn't sound all that bad.

In my Sunday School class, we've been talking about the costs of being a follower of Christ. One of those costs is that we "give up" all the possessions we have. (Luke 14:33) It does not necessarily mean that we are to walk through life with nothing but the clothes on our backs, but upon deeper study into my trusty lexicon, it means "our belongings being placed away from us into their proper category and not being permitted to be a part of us." So in essence, do not be attached to your possessions, and put them in their "proper category" so that your priorities remain in the right place.

And then today, Dad was preaching about being content with what we have instead of chasing satisfaction in things that cannot give it. Hebrews 13:5 says "Let your character be free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said 'I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you.'" I cannot get satisfaction from the latest product of awesomeness and God has promised to care for me, so why do I bother seeking contentment in anything but Him?

All that being said, I don't think I'm gonna start living with 100 items alone. God has chosen to bless me with lotsa stuff to dust, and I don't want to waste it, haha! But what if I started spending less money on unnecessary and temporary things and focusing on God for my satisfaction? Not only would my life feel richer because I was closer to my Heavenly Father, but I would be able to save up for maybe a  house later on in life and I would also have excess money to give to my church and to those who need help! Who really needs 20 pairs of shoes anyhow?

1 comment:

  1. My MOM needs 20 pairs of shoes XD

    Or 40.

    Or 60.

    Or who knows how many because we haven't actually counted 0.o
